2018 Hocking Hills logo

May 3-6, 2018 ~ 4th Annual

Cedar Grove Lodging, Hocking Hills in Logan, OH

This year the reunion comes up north to a secluded area in southern Ohio called Hocking Hills. Located near the city of Logan, the area features cliffs, gorges, rock shelters, waterfalls and some scenic hiking trails for those that want to get in touch with nature. It has been organized by LB Keller and without his efforts, we may have met in a McDonald’s parking lot…and for that we thank you!

Instead, we’ve set the meeting place at The Old Dutch Restaurant for breakfast at 11:30. We’ll start the weekend there until check in time sometime in the early afternoon. That’ll give some Thursday people extra time to arrive.

Two cabins near each other have been reserved to accommodate everyone. Find out more information about them by clicking on the appropriate images below which will open in another page. These places have most everything we need but it’s a good idea to bring your own lawn chairs. Other necessities have been assigned by Rob Marrapode.

Stillwater Lodge
Stillwater Lodge
Cedar Hill Lodge
Cedar Hill Lodge

More information about the Hocking Hills area can be found by clicking on the image below. More information will be posted in the coming days.

Head Count & What to Bring

Everyone should bring something to sit on and drinks (alcoholic and non). The good thing is this is not like going to the field for a week of training, there will a trip to the store after we all arrive and take inventory. If you would like to add something to the list below, feel free to send me an email at webmaster@bastardsreunion.org. By the way, no need to bring the hat.

FirstLastSol/Plus 1What to BringETADistance
DaveBall+1fishThursday morning
MontyBurkhalterSolocoffee, creamer, sugar, filtersThursday morning370
JimmyBushta+1paper towels, napkins, butter, 2 cases of water, smoker, gasThursday morning
EdCurtisSolopaper plates, plastic bowls, charcoal, custom t-shirts883
TimElyea+1Thursday morning1,972
TonyFarrister+1ketchup, mustard, mayo, hot sauce, 10lb ground beef (walking tacos)Thursday morning150
TimHaleySoloThursday afternoon (with Nidy)918
LBKeller+1firewood, cornholeThursday morning146
SalLabarberaSoloItalian food (and if like last year, A LOT of it
ShagLavariereSolocups, plasticwearThursday morning411
Steve “Dirty”Liquia+1
RobMarrapodeSolopaper plates, sour cream, jambalaya, picked eggsThursday morning500
DaveNidySolotaco seasoning, lettuce, tomatoes, shredded cheeseThursday afternoon (with Haley)150
GerryPinkleySolofirewood, 2 cases of water, cornholeThursday morning520
GaryRubySolo6 dozen eggs, chipsThursday afternoon72
PeteySzantoSolobacon, candoms (free kuuzies for everyone!), 2/4 challenge coins for saleFriday afternoon168
BenThomasSolobiscuits, sodaThursday evening405
JeffYutzySolochairs, water, non-alcoholic drinks, snacks, candy, strawberry jelly, shit paperThursday morning90
ChetZebrowskiSoloThursday afternoon

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