Frequently Asked Questions

What are the accommodations like?
Traditionally, we rent a cabin big enough for everyone to stay in but as the reunions continue to grow in size, we just get more cabins. So far, we’ve been able to keep the cabins close together (within eyesight of each other). We’ll do our best to assign couples a private bedroom while the solo Marines will be assigned the rest of the available beds. We’ve not yet had the need (or desire) to stay at a hotel with a group discount.
What should I bring?
Anything we need for the weekend is typically assigned ahead of time. A sign up sheet will be published on this website prior to the reunion with the specifics. Although bringing additional food is a nice gesture, it proved to be a bit of a challenge in past reunions since storing all the perishables required space that we didn’t have in the refrigerators. Everyone does need to bring their own beverages for the weekend and something to sit on.
Can I bring my kids to the reunion?
No, they might pick up some bad habits, hear some foul language, be traded to the gypsies or sold to the circus.
How can I get my pictures published on the website?
We are always looking for more pictures and videos! Any media from our reunions that you would like to share publicly can be e-mailed directly to us or send a shareable link to Please indicate if you want to be recognized for the submission or if you wish to remain anonymous.

What’s with the signed ammo can?
The ammo can has a bottle of Tennessee whiskey in it with some other memorabilia from past reunions. Everybody that has attended a reunion signed the ammo can. The last 2 Marines alive are to plan their get together and swap stories while drinking the whiskey.

Are there t-shirts or something else I can get to help me remember the reunion?
We design our own t-shirts for purchase either before or after the reunion and purchase them through various vendors. In 2018, we were able to sell enough shirts through a fund raising campaign to raise almost $500 for the next reunion. One of our Marines also brings can koozies (candoms) to the reunion and passes them out.


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