
COVID-19 Update

Due to COVID-19, people have been asking whether the reunion is still happening. While we feel that the safety of you, your family and friends are most important, we are continuing our planning of this year’s reunion and have every intention of meeting in August.

With that being said, if you don’t feel comfortable coming this year or aren’t comfortable flying, let us know as soon as possible. It is critical that you keep us updated to changes in your travel plans. Any updates that we need to pass along will be done via this site and through our bookface chat group.

Do Your Part

If you’re as excited as we are to get together again, please follow these few guidelines.

  1. During the two weeks before our reunion (starting around mid-July), please be extra vigilant in your social distancing practices. Since this disease has a long incubation period, you could be infected without any symptoms and bring it with you to Missouri. We want to have a great reunion and not come home sick.
  2. If you feel sick in the days prior to the reunion, DON”T COME! Again, don’t be that person that everyone will be cursing after a great reunion.


There is currently no vaccine to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The best prevention is to avoid being exposed to this virus. However, as a reminder, the CDC always recommends everyday actions to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases, including:

  • Wash your hands frequently
  • Cover your cough
  • Stay home if you’re sick
  • Practice good hand hygiene; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick
  • Clean and disinfect frequently used surfaces daily
  • Practice social distancing

Local Information

Additional information about COVID-19 in Missouri can be found in the following links:

Missouri COVID-19 Dashboard

Missouri Department of Health & Senior Services

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