New Addition to Our Reunion Family

Since our very first t-shirt fundraising campaign, we’ve been fortunate enough to have some great success raising money for our reunions. The funds always go back to the group by paying for food & drink at the reunions.

Last year, in 2021, it even paid for entertainment in the form of a Gettysburg Battlefield Tour during the day and the Ghost Tour of Gettysburg in the evening.

Even after all of that, we had a surplus in the account of nearly $1,000.

About a month ago, our board of directors had a discussion and ultimately made a decision on how to allocate the surplus. We decided on 2 things.


The first thing will be to pay for the web hosting fees that we use to serve this website to you. The price per year is $252 and it is currently on a 3-year contract with DreamHost, making the total price $756.

From the beginning of this website in 2018 until now, I paid for this service out of pocket but as this site grew in size and got more traffic, it got more expensive.


As you may or may not know, I bring a Marine Corps flag with me every year. Last year we replaced the Virginia flag with it, commandeering the flag pole at the reunion. The previous year, Dirty carried it with him throughout our group trip through downtown Gatlinburg. It represented us well but we could do better.

It is with great pleasure that I announce a new addition to our reunion family.

One side of our new guidon represents 2/4 while the second represents 2/6. If you think the EGA on the 2/4 side is backwards (like I did) then you too would be mistaken… I was never a guide. Apparently, the EGA on a guidon points to the staff.

This is a custom made guidon we purchased for $219 and the pole staff for $179. Total price after shipping was $425. We did not purchase a carrying case or a stand.

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