
New Dates for 2021!

July 11-15, 2021
Sunday – Thursday

At the time of this writing, we have a total of 35 registered attendees and we still have a month and half to go before the registration deadline! As you can imagine, with numbers like that, it becomes quite difficult to find a location to accommodate everyone.

After conducting a Bookface Messenger poll with the group, the majority of you indicated that the dates don’t matter much. For those of you that chose new dates from a list of 4 options, July 11-15 was the most popular.

And just like that, Democracy is in action!

“You improvise, you overcome, you adapt” ~Gunny Highway

Can’t make the new dates?

If you’ve paid your deposit and can’t make the new dates, please let me know and I will refund your deposit. Just send me an email or let me know in Messenger.

Thank you all for your understanding and flexibility!

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