2023 In Review
As we wrap up number 9 and I update all kinds of stuff on this website, we have so much to remember. Idaho is such a beautiful place from the high snow capped mountains to the vast flatlands, this year’s reunion wins the prize of the most beautiful reunion we’ve had yet. In total, we…

Shirts, Rooms, Assignments, Weather, Reminders, & Updates
One Stop Shop For Reunion Info As a reminder, the reason this website exists is to try to make sure you don’t have to search all over the place for information. I create posts/articles with details as the info comes in (or changes) just in case you want some “bathroom reading material” but again, you…

2023 Cabin Assignments
This Page Was Last Updated 05JUN2023 Rob seems to work his magic every year with the limited information he has, and for that we thank you! Primarily he does his best to keep couples together and in their own private rooms. While only the cabins are assigned, the rooms within your own cabin are up…

Fundraiser Shirt Campaign Begins Tonight!
Not surprisingly, many of you are flying to Idaho this year so we can’t really assign things like water, dinner ingredients, burgers, snacks, and other things that we normally assign when people drive. It’s tough to pack 50 pounds of bacon to take on a plane. For this reason, our fundraiser is more important than…